Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!
Let us introduce ourselves.

Friday, 28 September 2012


Hi my name is Evie andand I like playing  I love rounders and I love playing with my sister and we alll love year four we have a lovely teacher. I hope you like Bloging with my class'


  1. Hi Evie
    Well if you have a lovely teacher then I have the loveliest pupils! This Year 4 group is fabulous!
    from Mrs Hansen

  2. Hi Evie,
    I used to love playing rounders when I was at school. I was much better at fielding than batting because I could throw the ball a long way.
    -Miss Charlwood

  3. Hi Evie,

    I was a lovely pupil when I was at school too, my favourite thing was doing my homework, just ask Nanny, she'll tell you. Mummy used to be really good at homework as well, she even won a prize for her handwriting from the Royal Mail, they like good handwriting because it makes letters easier to deliver. I bet all of mummy's letters got delivered!

    Mr Ian Nancollis (Your Dad!)

  4. Hi Evie
    Goodness, how wonderful your Mum's writing must be. Perhaps you should try and follow in her footsteps!!!
    Mrs Hansen

  5. Evie, your writing was wonderful today, Mummy will be proud!
    Mrs Hansen

  6. Hello Evie, I noticed your writing in your journal was getting much better, well done! Sadly my writing is not as neat now I am older, infact I don't write that much anymore really, as most things are typed now on the computer.

    I wonder if your writing will look like mine when you are older? I have noticed that my writing looks like Granny's!

    Keep blogging!

    Mummy x

  7. Hi my name is Morgan I have a Evie in my class

  8. hi my name is megan and my friend is evie but i have lots of diffrent freinds as well.
    i am 8 years old and i go to high hesket school i am in year 4 and there is year 4 and 3 togeather there is 21 boys and 4 girls :-(

    1. Hello Megan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hi Evie I am Zoe and I am 8
    How old are you?
    My best friends are called, Evie, Megan and Chloe. I think they are the best friends ever. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes not.
    Bye hopefully I get to talk to you again.

  10. Hello Evie my name is Evie to do you have any pets? I used to have a cat called Tino and A other cat called Mr Fluffy pants I dont know why I called him that I think it was because that name is funny. BYE

  11. Hi Evie how many girls are there in your class? and how many are there in your class all together? see you later
